26-29 November 2007
Europe/Rome timezone
Scuola sulla Grid organizzata da INFN-Grid e CCR per le collaborazioni INFN degli esperimenti LHC.
2 giorni di lezioni ed esercitazioni introduttive seguiti da 1 giorno sulle applicazioni di esperimento (si tratta di sessioni parallele, una per esperimento).


Studenti e ricercatori afferenti agli esperimenti LHC che intendano acquisire le necessarie conoscenze per utilizzare in modo efficace i servizi offerti dalla GRID per la propria attivita' di ricerca. Per maggiori dettagli i referenti per esperimento sono:
LHCb - Umberto Marconi
ALICE - Massimo Masera
ATLAS - Laura Perini
CMS - Marco Paganoni


La registrazione e' chiusa.
La registrazione alla scuola non implica una prenotazione alberghiera.
Questa deve essere fatta a carico degli utenti.


  • we have booked in advance 35 rooms for the 3 nights between 26th and 28th November 2007 at the Mercure Hotel.
  • The reservation is valid until 12 November (first coming first served).
  • You ought to confirm your accommodation directly with the hotel (refer. "Scuola Grid 2007")
  • The prices are:
    85,00 EUR for a single
    95,00 EUR for a twin bed for one person
    105,00 EUR for a double
    taxes and breakfast included.
Address : Viale Pietramellara 59, 40121 - BOLOGNA - ITALY
Tel : (+39)051/42211
Fax : (+39)051/249421
E-mail : mercure.bolognacentro@accor-hotels.it
Web: http://www.sofitel.com/sofitel/fichehotel/gb/sof/1310/fiche_hotel.shtml
For other accomodations, please see here


The use of your own laptop to do the hands-on is preferred, so that you can continue to make practics even after the school. The only software requirement is to have a SSH client installed on it.


Wireless connection is available for all INFN people (personale certificate installed on the browser web is needed).


INFN-CNAF is located in Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna, Italy; you can reach it by car, by train, or by plane. From the railway station, to reach CNAF, you can either walk (the distance from the railway station is approximately 1.2km), or you can take bus n.32, opposite the railway station: get off at the 3rd stop, cross the road and, keeping the right, walk for 50 mt.


Once you get to Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, you have to walk ahead to the main buiding: on the left of the porter's lodge there is the elevator. First floor, on the right, and at the end of the passage there is CNAF.
The tutorial will be held on the building in Via Ranzani 13/2, as shown in the MAP. The mailing address is: INFN - CNAF Viale Berti Pichat 6/2 40127 Bologna Italy MAP


Click here for information about Bologna.
Starts Nov 26, 2007 14:00
Ends Nov 29, 2007 16:00
Via Ranzani 13 40127 Bologna Italy